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2018 - 10 - 31

The Asia Pacific Family Office Conference

The 16th annual private meeting for family members and their family office executives to discuss critical issues.

Location: The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong

Participants: Ultra High Net Worth Family Members and SFO Executives

Event Link:

On October 31st, the long-awaited 16th Annual Asia Pacific Family Office Conference finally opened in Hong Kong.  At the meeting, members of the ultra high net worth family from the Asia-Pacific region expressed their opinions and shared their unique views on the sustainability of family wealth and generational risk management.  Through this meeting, our company has learned about the ultra high net worth family culture and wealth management strategies in the Asia-Pacific region, which is very inspiring and helpful for our upcoming global expansion.

第16 届亚太家族办公室商务会议






10月31日,瞩目已久的第16 届亚太家族办公室商务会议终于在香港拉开了帷幕。会议上,来自亚太地区的超高净值家族成员们各抒己见,分享了各自对家族财富的延续和风险管理的独特看法。通过此次会议,我公司接触到了亚太地区的超高净值家族文化和财富管理理念,为我公司未来国际化的发展开启了新的篇章。


2017 - 11 - 28

The North American Family Office Conference

The 12th annual for business-owning and financial families, significant private investors and their family offices.

Location: Langham Hotel, Boston, MA, USA

Participants: Ultra High Net Worth Family Members and SFO Executives

Event Link:

Flew all the way from Vancouver to Boston, we are excited at the chance of meeting other Ultra High Net Worth families members and welcome the opportunity of exchanging interesting business thoughts.



















地点: 朗廷酒店, 美国波士顿

参会人: 超高净值家族成员和家族办公室高管


第12届北美家族办公室商务会议日前在美国波士顿盛大举办,此次的盛典是专门给超高净值家族参加的会议,Grit Investments也有幸参与了本次会议!会议不仅将家族办公室的相关知识分享给各界参会人,而且还提供了让各个家族交流学习的机会。本届会议让我方受益良多,同时有幸结识了来自各地的超高净值的家族成员!我们期待与各界参会人在未来的合作与发展!

2018 - 03 - 28

2018 Entrepreneurs & Investors Conference in Shanghai China


Location: Crowne Plaza Shanghai Pujiang, China

Participants: Ultra High Net Worth Entrepreneurs & Investors


The 2018 Entrepreneurs & Investors Conference, held by the famous Chinese financial writer Xiaobo Wu, invited private ultra-high net worth entrepreneurs and investors from all over China to share their thoughts on the future of investments in China. Our Chairman & President is one of the founding members and was honoured to give a speech in this conference.

The following is excerpted from his speech:

“In particular, we need to have our own opinions. Even though people are likely to be attracted by the new trends, it is important not to join the flow, but to maintain our own advantages in the society, and continue to improve. We should stay open-minded, be sensitive to new technologies, and have patience for the right moment.


Meanwhile, we must learn to apply mindsets as both entrepreneurs and investors, control our ‘acquisitive instinct’ to nice things, reasonably assess our ‘margin of safety’, and allocate resources worldwide.”

2018年度中国企投家盛典 – 上海









2018 - 04 - 08

Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018


Location: Boao Hainan, China

Participants: Boao Forum for Asia Members


The Boao Forum for Asia is a non-profit international organization that provides high-level dialogue platforms for government, business, and academic leaders from Asia and other continents to share their views on the most critical issues in this region and the entire world. The discussions are focused on economics, integration, cooperation, society and environment.


This year, the Boao Forum for Asia was held in Hainan Province, China, from April 8th to 11th. The Chairman & President of Grit Investments also had the honor to participate in this forum. The theme of this year's forum is “An Open and Innovative Asia for a World of Greater Prosperity”, and Chinese President Xi Jinping was invited to address the opening ceremony.






博鳌亚洲论坛是一个非营利性的国际组织,为来自亚洲和其他大陆的政府、商界、学术界领导人提供高级别的对话平台,就本地区乃至全世界最紧迫的问题发表看法。 论坛讨论侧重于经济,整合,合作,社会和环境等话题。


今年4月8日至11日,博鳌亚洲论坛在中国海南省举行,Grit Investments的董事长兼总裁也有幸参加了此次会议。今年论坛的主题是《开放创新的亚洲,繁荣发展的世界》,中国国家主席习近平应邀在开幕式上致词。

2018 - 05 - 15

The 9th Asia Pacific Family Investment Conference

Location: Four Seasons Hotel, Singapore

Participants: Ultra High Net Worth Family Members and SFO Executives

This May, the long-awaited 9th Asia Pacific Family Investment Conference finally took place at the Four Seasons Hotel in Singapore.  Grit Investments, as a truly ultra-high-net-worth asset management company, actively participated in this conference as well.  This Family Investment Conference was a great platform to share investment perceptions with other business and financial professionals.  Grit Investments was also honored to learn about family investment and wealth management stories from ultra-high-net-worth asset management companies in the Asia-Pacific region.






今年5月,大家期盼已久的第9届亚太地区家庭投资会议终于在新加坡四季酒店拉开了帷幕。 Grit Investments作为一家名副其实的超高净值资产管理公司,更是积极地参与了此次会议。这次的家庭投资会议为商业和金融专业人士提供了一个难得的学习和交流的平台。Grit Investments也有幸了解了亚太地区的高净值资产管理公司在家庭投资和财富管理方面的经验和心得。

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