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About US

Grit Investments Ltd. is an authentic Single Family Office with a North American background. It is created to preserve and promote the legacy and values of the family’s ultra high net worth capital.

Grit Investments Ltd. was founded in 2017. It provides private financial services for one ultra high net worth family by managing the family’s own wealth. The company’s sole function is to centralize the management of a significant family fortune by investing opportunistically across a variety of asset classes. The company also has its own internal experts that specialize in different areas such as finance, taxes, and legal matters to eliminate the investment risk for the family to the greatest extent. Grit Investments is headquartered in Vancouver B.C., and has branch in Shanghai China. Global expansion is currently in progress.


Grit Investments Ltd. 是北美地区一家由超高净值的华人家族亲手创立的家族办公室。是以家族资产管理为主,集项目咨询、投资、管理于一体的名副其实的家族办公室,并致力于打造北美华人家族办公室第一品牌。

Grit Investments Ltd. 成立于2017年,是一家扎根于北美,拥有华裔背景的名副其实的家族办公室。与其他所谓的家族办公室不同,Grit Investments Ltd. 确有着一个超高净值的家族财富作为其强大支撑,这使 Grit Investments Ltd. 成立初始即能一跃成为北美市场领先的公司。不仅如此,Grit Investments Ltd.作为高端财富管理公司,拥有着众多高品质的人脉资源和投资资源。公司还专门聘请了金融、财务、法律等领域中最专业的人才,使团队能够快速、准确、高效地为这一个的超高净值的华人家族提供高品质服务。作为一家实力雄厚的家族财富管理公司,Grit Investments Ltd. 不仅仅注重于投资管理、项目分析、资产配置等方面,也着重于家族价值的保留及传承。公司正在全球范围内积极扩张,目前其总部设立于温哥华,且在上海已有分部,接下来将向更多地区迈进。

© 2018 by Grit Investments Ltd.

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